Re: Help creating formula to update inventory automatically
@Christina S. Switch your formula to: =[Spanish Qty Baseline]# - (COUNTIFS({Brochure Requests Sheet Request Completed}, 1, {Brochure Requests Sheet Request Denied}, ISBLANK(@cell), {Brochure Requests…1 · -
Re: Pasting formulas from a plain text document causing #Unparseable Error
@H Brian If you look closely, you've got some quotation marks which are slanted. Those come from MS Word, etc sometimes and SmartSheet cannot interpret them. They need changed to normal quotation mar…1 · -
Re: Formula to return value based on multi options in another cell
@Sophie C =IF(AND(CONTAINS("When handling sharp objects", [When should you wear gloves?]@row), CONTAINS("When assembling various products in manufacturing", [When should you wear …1 · -
Re: Using IF with Networkdays
@Pamella Souza =IF(NETWORKDAYS([Sent to NewOrder]2, [Sent to Billing]2) <= 45, "YES", IF(NETWORKDAYS([Sent to NewOrder]2, [Sent to Billing]2) > 45, "NO")) There's no need to…1 · -
Re: Help with complicated formula
@Austun Bates You'd have to closely compare the two formulas but basically you have extra parenthesis in some places and other places you needed two parenthesis but only had one. Also at the very end…1 ·